Child Custody for Fathers

Title: Child Custody for Fathers

Divorce is the worst thing that can happen to a couple and after this unwanted happening comes a series of traumas.  Even if the world doesn’t agree, one powerful fact is that just like the mother, even the father suffers the pain of separation. When a marriage is about to break, wife may threaten to leave that too with kids, and that is something you cannot let happen.

Legally, neither of spouse can take your child without other spouse’s consent. When a couple decides to get separate, they can either come to a mutual agreement as if who wants to stay with the kids and if they are not able to reconcile, the case needs to be put in front of the court of justice. For this, of course, you need a good lawyer to represent at every step. A lawyer can always file a petition regarding the custody and access of order for the child. Doing this will protect your rights as a father and will easily get you through the process of divorce.

A common myth is that the judgments are going to act in the favor of women, but there is no truth in this. The Canadian laws focus only on the well-being of the child and can offer you the custody if you are able to fulfill the needs of a child. At Ad Lawyer, we can help you to get the child custody for fathers.

For unmarried couples

If you are not married, things get a bit more complicated and need rather more attention than actually required. Suppose, you are leaving your girlfriend and want to take your child with you; then the court will make a decision that is in the best interest of the child. In most of circumstances, the custody of the child is given to the mother.

Whether the court gives a full custody or joint custody, getting a lawyer right from the beginning is always a good decision. The simple idea is, if you want your child to be in your life, you have to fight for it with right means. The troublesome part for the father is that the court gives the child’s custody to the mother and if you don’t want it, you will have to prove her to be an unfit parent, which an experienced lawyer can help to achieve.

For some situations, the court can also give the physical custody of your child to the mother and assign a generous visitation schedule for father.

Types of child custody

The law divided child custody into several parts, and these divisions are going to rule the final decisions.

-       Joint custody: Under a joint custody both the parents share the physical and legal custody of the child.

-       Sole physical custody: In this situation, one parent is given the custody of the child while the other is given visitation.

-       Sole legal custody: Sole legal custody will decide the future of the child, including the education welfare, and health.

-       Joint legal custody: Under this criterion, both the parents decide for the educational, medical, and welfare decision of the child.

After filing the petition, the court studies the current situation and decides on the future of child.
Only an experienced lawyers can make child custody for fathers easier.

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